At the risk of sounding slightly populist, I wanted to thank you for your enthusiastic participation in the contest yesterday. I’m always particularly moved when people show such an interest for books. And I’m quite proud that you are as full on winning a book as on winning beauty products.
End of the populist digression, here are the winners:
Comment 94, Plum’
Comment 12, Zouzou
Comment 166, Mmarie
Kindly send me an email, cfrancfr(at)yahoo.fr, with your postal address! Oh and while I’m at it, Xotchil, I haven’t received any email from you about French Disorder, can you send me one with your address, name of the product and size?
For the disappointed ones, Vincent Maston’s book is available in all good bookshops and here...
There you go, I’m leaving you with this pix of that DIY dessert I made yesterday in a few minutes, inspired by Géraldine’s trifles. I didn’t have custard and was too lazy to cook some so, basically, you have in these glasses strawberries, whipped cream, raspberries and, at the bottom, choc chips cookies roughly crushed. Actually it’s just the proof that the way a dessert looks can change how it’s perceived, my kids went into ecstasies and begged me to make some again, swearing it had NOTHING TO DO with a basic bowl of strawberries and Chantilly cream. Next time I’ll put crushed meringue and vanilla ice cream. I think I’ve just invented the unstructured Vacherin, call me Nono. (Top Chef private joke, sorry).
Ha and also, Orange is the new black season 2 has just been released and it gets off to a good start.
Love raspberries in yogurt http://www.unmuteme.com/raspberry
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It is like a dream dessert. I really believe that Health is not all about the weight you lose. It’s about the LIFE you gain!.
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Thanks for posting.